You can do hard things

How many times have you thought “that’s too hard” or “I can’t do that”? Guess what! You CAN!

Today, I did something that I ran from since March. I recorded my first full educational video in preparation for a whole new platform. And it was harrrdd. I was not expecting the level of challenge that I had, but I didn’t let it stop me this time.

Last night, I tried, and I decided to go to sleep and call it a failed attempt after one too many bloopers. But then I got up this morning, and did it again. For me, this is hard because of the level of vulnerability, for putting my story & my knowledge out for public display for others do with what they wish. I’m actively over thinking as I’m talking which throws off everything. If you don’t know, I am a controoollll freak. And once I hit publish on that video YouTube platform, I no longer have control. And that is scary. So taking steps forward have been hard, but as I remind my clients, friends, and myself… I can do hard things. And so can you.

Even if you feel like it’s a failure. Even if you’re shaking. Even if you do not know what you’re going to do after that step, I encourage you to consider taking the step. Because if you’re anything like me, it feels EMPOWERING to know that you did it (and you just may take some more while you’re at it )