Emotional numbing, pt. 2

So you know there’s a problem, now what… The answer: it’s up to you! Based on your experiences, your beliefs, your motivation, your coping strategies, your support, the answer changes. I want you to ask yourself these 6 questions (scroll through the images). From there, you can begin to see what may work in your life. What has worked in the past? Okay, so I am going to try and apply it in this way. What’s holding me back? Well, it’s this. (then what you do from there is your choice) Once we uncover that something undesirable is occurring, it’s up to us to look deeper into the what and why in order to discover our individual how. For me? It was preparatory. I didn’t like how i acted when I drank too much and so I stopped. I didn’t like that when I had even a mildly hard day, I turned to a glass of wine so I changed it to something positive and effective like journaling. I was very worried about addictive tendencies and using alcohol to mask trauma symptoms so if I had any spell of PTSD symptoms, I stopped drinking for at least a couple of months entirely. It came down to my AWARENESS, my WILLINGNESS to change that, and my ACTIONS. Hard? You betcha! Doable? ABSOLUTELY! You’re not alone, and you have support in this community ✨