
Survivors Overcoming Silence is a platform and community for educational purposes, and is not considered medical advice. Survivors Overcoming Silence is also not a replacement for therapy or other mental health services. If someone is struggling, they should consider individualized treatment with a licensed medical and/or mental health provider, and should not rely on Survivors Overcoming Silence as it is not considered treatment of any kind. Should someone or someone they know feel unsafe, they should contact local authorities for immediate assistance. Please see the resources tab for hotlines available if in crisis. Survivors Overcoming Silence does not provide any legal advice nor do they give individual advice in personal scenarios. Please contact a lawyer or other licensed professional for advice of that kind. SOS does not currently take individual client consultation, and serves through global education through services such as courses, information on the website, and associated social media platforms. Some information discussed, due to the content and heavy nature of trauma, may be triggering to some. Engage and read through materials at your own risk. Please see Terms & Conditions for more information including social media repost & general sharing guidelines, intellectual property rights, and more. Thank you.

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